

8 Essential Tips for Processing Dropshipping Orders

December 23, 2019 eCommerce Tips

When customers place orders on your products, it’s great news! This means your efforts really paid off. The next step is to process these orders. You need to make sure you do it right because the dropshipping process is not concluded until the products reach the customers. Below are some essential tips that you need:

Check Shipping Details for Errors

Sometimes we make mistakes when doing things, a typical example is missing some details, or not filling correctly when filling forms online. This is why checking all the details before shipping is crucial. As a dropshipping store owner, you need to check all the information your customers provided before filling in the contact form.

Why? The customers might have made mistakes when writing the names of their countries or cities, too much unnecessary information, or they forget to provide some important things. Taking time to check all the details will help you in knowing which to edit or if it will require you getting in touch with affected customers to receive more information.

Make Sure That You Don’t Entertain Frauds

Curbing frauds is very paramount, and if you notice some certain transactions look like one, make sure you don’t deal. Store owners often face situations whereby a buyer places a lot of orders at once and then decided to pay for the purchases with different cards. This definitely doesn’t sound right, as buyers in this situation are likely frauds who have hacked other people’s credit cards.

If you see situations like this, the recommendation is not to process such orders to avoid stories that touch. However, there are cases where it might be done genuinely. To confirm this – simply ask the customer(s) involved to snap and send you the photo of the last four digits of their card.

Register for A Mailing Service

This is another essential tip you need when processing dropshipping orders, sending email notifications to customers about the status of their orders is something you can’t just put off. To send these regular updates emails, you need to be registered with a mailing service.

To do this, consider choosing the mailing service you like most, create an account with them, and connect the account details with your plugin.

Regularly Track Your Traffic

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Yes! Regular tracking of your traffic while processing dropshipping orders will help you to get a sense of your customers. You might want to ask what is meant by getting a sense of your customers, right? Well, here it is. For instance, from the order details provided to you – an older woman from Cuba ordered for an expensive high-tech gadget from your store-

This seems weird, though the older woman can be interested in tech devices, it doesn’t mean all older woman want to buy. If you didn’t do a regular check on your traffic, you might think it’s a hot zone for you to penetrate and start advertising. The results might take a toll on your business, and this is why regular tracking is important.

Message Templates for Your Clients

Imagine the number of emails and hateful comments you’ll receive when customers don’t know jack about their orders. To avoid this, regular messages need to be sent to customers about the status of their orders. Most times, it is done by creating message templates that your clients will get any time their order status changes.

From the point where the orders leave the manufacturing company to their receiving point, they need to know. They need to know whether orders are on their way or got stuck somewhere.

Start the Process As Soon As Possible

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Getting orders is really exciting, talk about the feelings and joy you feel at that period! Especially when the orders keep coming in large quantity, which means loads of cash for you. However, you must understand that you don’t have any all the time in this world, and you don’t have a minute to lose. Don’t procrastinate the process.

Most times, your suppliers will need some time – might be up to 7 days or even more – to process your dropshipping orders and send the products. This is why you need to start the process early, as soon as your customers place an order, begin the process immediately.

Think Up A Message for Your Suppliers

Sometimes, you need to send a message to your suppliers too. Remember, they are the ones doing the packaging of whatever orders going to your customers. Now, imagine they added some promotional materials that your store doesn’t want to be tagged with. Leaving a message for your suppliers is quite easy; some plugins have a great feature, which allows you to leave a message for your supplier. It will be sent automatically when placing an order.

Good Communication with Your Suppliers Is Essential

One of the most important things that any business can do is to know how to communicate effectively with suppliers. In dropshipping, it is vital to keep tabs of your suppliers. Although they may be the one preparing and sending products to your customers, you need to be in the know throughout the entire process. By having good communication with them, you get to know the status of your orders, and when they will get to your customers. 

There you have it! Did you just get some orders, or you are hoping to get some soon? Above are the essential tips needed for processing dropshipping orders. From the veracity of customers’ details to tracking, and follow up with your suppliers, processing these orders is as important as any stage in the dropshipping process. Make sure it is done right.

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the Shopify dropshipping business. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.