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What is Automated Dropshipping?

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December 29, 2018

What is Automated Dropshipping?With automated drop shipping, you can save time and energy looking after your business. Just imagine yourself working hours processing orders, and updating hundreds of products every day. As the business grows, you have to figure out ways on how you can still have work-life balance. See how you can be spending time with your passion while earning good money with automated drop shipping.So, what is automated drop shipping? Automated drop shipping is a system used to manage your business and make a significant profit successfully. It is a fast and seamless process of order fulfillment. Automated drop shipping uses templates to forward the orders for you, manage inventory, prioritize suppliers and sync shipment tracking.

When Do We Use Automated Dropshipping?It is essential that you understand the processes flow of drop shipping. Below are the basic tasks involved in drop shipping. Let us discuss when is it necessary to use automated drop shipping.Process the OrdersThe intent of drop shipping is to sell without handling the product and ship it directly to the customers. They are responsible for forwarding the orders to the suppliers, and then the supplier handles the shipping. This may go out of hand if you are processing hundreds of requests in a day. By using automated drop shipping, you can create a template to export the sales. With the use of automated drop shipping, you can maintain efficient order processing. You can also ensure the orders are processed accurately and forward it to suppliers promptly. Time saved equals money saved.Manage InventoryAccuracy on inventory is essential in any business. This does not mean exempt drop shipping. As it is, you have to keep track of your sales while ensuring that you do not go over the number of stocks available. We do not want to risk overselling knowing that we do not have the products on-hand. By using the automated drop shipping, you will be able to monitor the number of products available and list items that are not available in your marketplace. This avoids risks of customer dissatisfaction and keeping your rates high as a seller.Priority on SuppliersIn drop shipping, you can sell multiple products of different sizes, colors, and variety. This means you have various suppliers where you get the products from. Just like when processing hundreds of orders, automated drop shipping helps you identify which suppliers can fulfill the product at the soonest. If the supplier is out of stock, you will be routed to the next supplier who can complete your order.Track Order ShipmentAfter the order has been processed and forwarded to the supplier, the next thing is to ship the items to the customers. Now you have to ensure you keep track of the items being shipped. Not being able to track your shipping is a potential customer service risk which we don't want to have. Having said that, hundreds of products shipped from all over places, from different suppliers can be quite a challenge. Making it automated, makes it easier to track and maintain an orderly process of drop shipping. You would also have the leverage of checking the status of the shipment in case of customer query

How to Automate Dropshipping?Having said all that, we can say that automated drop shipping really helps in making the business successful. As we go along this article, we will learn how we can do automated drop shipping and why it is essential.Use of Automated Drop shipping SoftwareTechnology plays a significant role in managing a drop shipping business. Many drop shipping related platforms were created so that we can save time and be a practical businessman. Regarding automated drop shipping software, each has its own features that will help you succeed in the long run. When choosing the right software, you have to do your research well. Just to give you an idea, you may consider using us:Multi-Drop is trying to give solutions for store owners, from market research, items sourcing, store management, warehousing, inventory management, fulfillment, shipping services, customer support and so much more.We are not just a great software or an app, we are a group of people, ready to serve you. We are working with many suppliers, and we are fully integrated with them. We work tirelessly to make sure our clients are satisfied. We have employees all over the world, in places like U.S, China, Thailand and the Philippines. We also have business partners with warehouses in China and America so we offer a full Third Party Logistics, as I wrote before, including items inspection and branding.Why is Automated Dropshipping Important?Promotes a Balanced LifestyleRecent studies show that a good work-life balance enables employees to be in control of their lives. It is proven to increase productivity and generate higher revenue. People who are happy with work are generally the ones who deliver better performance than those who do not. With automated drop shipping, you can use the extra time and be able to spend it with your family or leisure.

Saves More MoneyAs discussed earlier, the main tasks of drop shipping involve, order processing, track shipment and manage inventories. Processing hundreds of orders and updating inventory may take hours of work in a day. Traditionally, this will require hours of manpower. Using automated drop shipping saves you from having someone do the job for you. You can then use the money saved for other purposes.Keep Up With CompetitorsThe main reason why you ventured into drop shipping is that you have seen entrepreneurs succeed in this business. This means, the competition is high, and you need to keep up with your competitors. Big companies use automated drop shipping because they are processing thousands of orders, inventory, and shipping. Most successful companies are using automation because they need to efficiently and effectively run the business while keeping their standards up. You would also need extra time to source for products that are in demand and that are sold at a lower price.Time Saved is Money SavedIf you are into drop shipping business, you want to make sure that orders are processed right at a given time. As a business owner, you not only deal with processing orders of the customers and inventory. There are other business aspects like dealing with suppliers, being strategic on how to expand the business, customer service complaints, and your seller ratings. When you use automated drop shipping, you can use your saved time on other aspects of the business.Related Questions:Can I completely automate drop shipping?No, you cannot completely automate drop shipping. True enough, most work can be done through automation. On the other hand, it does not include handling customer queries which is also very important. This is also the reason why drop shippers prefer hiring virtual assistants to do the job for them.

Can I automate drop shipping without a software?

Yes, you can automate drop shipping without a software. Another option to automate your drop shipping business by hiring virtual assistants. They can perform the same work a software can do for you. On top of it, virtual assistants handle customer service queries which are very important.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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