eCommerce Tips

Top 5 Tips to drive traffic from Pinterest

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March 5, 2019

Pinterest is an image-based social network that delivers more referral traffic than any other social media site – maybe not Facebook. The fact and the bottom line is that Pinterest is no doubt the #2 referrer of traffic to websites on the whole internet, forgetting other social media counterparts.Pinterest started small just like a site where users can post pictures of their friends, family, pets and more. However, the response has been unbelievable even to the fact that people now use the website for marketing purposes and to increase web traffic.Not only can you generate more traffic to your website and blog when you get more followers on Pinterest, but it will also increase the buzz about your business. Here are some of the ways you can use to drive traffic to your website using the network easily.

1. Claim your business namePinterest username is limited to 15 characters and is just like Twitter. This means that you need to claim your name, business or service name. This way you can keep others from using your name and maintain a consistent brand across all social media channels.2. Add the "pin it" button to your websiteThe fact is even when you don’t use Pinterest that does not mean your website visitors are not using it. If you don’t think like this as a business owner, you are missing a HUGE "word of mouth" marketing opportunity guaranteed to start driving traffic to your website. You will be giving your visitors the opportunity to spread your information giving you more online visibility and exposure when you add the "pin it" button for websites.3. Let people know you are on Pinterest thereDon’t open an account and leave, start by pinning a few images that say something about your website. The next part is simple... tell people you are on Pinterest. Of course, Pinterest makes this task extremely easy as you can even link your other social media account to Pinterest. This seamless integration allows you to tweet and share your "pins" with a single click.4. Add website to Pinterest commentsAs beneficial as Pinterest can be overdoing can lead to you being spammed by the network if it is not handled with care. The addition should be done when you are offering extra value to the customers for what they are already reading or seeing. The secret here is to stay safe and still gain value at the end of the day which is getting traffic.5. Mention the website in ALT tagsPinterest remains to be amongst the largest online publishers 'social referrer making it a great way to maximize your website traffic. The ALT tags of photos will do the magic for you since it makes it possible to have the website mentioned with every pin from your website as long as there is an official 'Pin It' button.Pinterest gives you the chance to add that special touch to your business, something that big company cannot afford to pull off. So strategize before jumping in. Do things right and get laser-targeted traffic to your site and sales to go with it.

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