eCommerce Tips

Top 10 Drop Shipping Business Tips For Easy Wins in Your Shopify Store

In the dropshipping business on your e-commerce store, visitors need to be converted to loyal customers. If you are not making great sales on the Shopify e-commerce store, this art…, Continue Reading…

July 10, 2019

In the dropshipping business on your e-commerce store, visitors need to be converted to loyal customers. If you are not making great sales on the Shopify e-commerce store, this article is just for you.In this post, we will share the top ten ways to make improvements on your Shopify store, win customers and increase sales.

Design Your Website to Look Appealing

Making a great first impression is pivotal to winning a loyal customer in a business. In the drop shipping business, a top-notch website is a great way to impress the website’s visitors. It determines if they stay or not. A poorly designed website scares its visitors and does not do well in reflecting the website user experience and quality of your brand. A website that is designed to permit easy navigation by the visitors, in turn, makes you reliable and authentic.

Choose a Niche

Choosing a particular niche is essential to be successful in the dropshipping business. Concentrating on a particular niche allows you to focus on delivering quality product and services. Invest in a product you are passionate about, as this will make you pay close attention to the detail in branding and marketing. As a starter in the Shopify marketplace, you can start with a particular niche and diversify as your business grows.

Assign the Right Price to Your Products

Many entrants into the Shopify dropshipping business make the avoidable mistake of underpricing their products in a bid to outwit their competitors. The dropshipping business structure does not create room to make enough profit with this kind of strategy. Expenses are made and products are sourced close to the wholesale prices. Rather than underpricing the products, the value of these same products should be increased. This ensures that you win the trust of your customers.

Add Customer Reviews to Your Website

It is normal for visitors of your Shopify store to have doubts regarding how authentic your products are. One way to quell their fears is to add customer testimonials, ratings and reviews to your Shopify store. The customer reviews entail a description of the product and service you rendered to previous buyers. If it is satisfactory, the prospective buyers will be motivated to make a purchase without any doubt. Ask your previous customers to drop a review stating their user experience of your product and website.

Attach a Phone Number to Your Shopify Store

People are afraid to patronize a Shopify store if that lacks any form of communication with a buyer. These prospective buyers will be parting with their money and they want to be guaranteed that they will be getting what they are paying for. A phone number on your website enables them to call you if they have any question pertaining to your website or products. It assures them that they will be getting what they paid for.

Deal With the Right Supplier

Trust is essential to growing your dropshipping business. In order to build trust, you have to ensure that your customers get top quality products and that they are delivered within the shortest time possible. The supplier deals with the production of the goods. They also have the responsibility of delivering the products to the doorsteps of your customers within the timeframe specified on your Shopify store. Therefore, it is pertinent you deal with a trustworthy and reputable supplier that will ensure your customers see you as reliable.

Run Social Media Ad Campaigns

The social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitters, has an innumerable number of people that you can expose your brand to. This means that out of the billions of social media users, you will likely get a satisfying number of visitors and customers on your Shopify store. You can tailor your ad according to your targets, audience, and budget. If you manage the ad campaign on any of the social media effectively, you will be growing your dropshipping business in no time.

Get a Photo of the Product from Your Supplier

In the dropshipping business, many suppliers will be willing to oblige to giving you a sample of the product you are dealing in. Being in possession of the sample allows you to take a higher quality photo of the sample. It also enables you to write a better description of the product and adjust properly to other marketing materials.

Be Ready to Handle Return Issues

The dropshipping business is not free from issues just like every other business. Problems such as damaged items during delivery, lost shipments are seen in managing a dropshipping Shopify store. When there is a return of items owing to its damage during delivery be sure that you see that it is taken care of. Draft a policy with your supplier to any of these dropshipping issues is avoided.

Add Various Payment Options

Many potential customers visiting your Shopify store will not be using the same payment method. When the payment option provided on your website does not suit them, they leave in search of a suitable store. Some payment options you could add to your store include PayPal, Stripe Atlas, or Apple Pay.There you have it! Above are some essential tips for easy wins in your Shopify store. Dropshipping business is a lucrative venture that requires minimal investment requirements. Apart from this, investors need to put in a lot of effort to spur the growth of their brand. These tips discussed above will help any entrepreneur make easy wins on their Shopify store.For more information about how we can help grow your drop shipping business, contact us today at Fulfillman. We are experts in Drop Shipping services, China sourcing, Warehouse fulfillment, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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