eCommerce Tips

Shopify Dropshipping Business: 10 Marketing Tips to Double Your Sales

Shopify dropshipping business is highly lucrative and easy to start up. There are many online stores today and few of them are smiling to the bank. The dropshipping business is hig…, Continue Reading…

September 23, 2019

Shopify dropshipping business is highly lucrative and easy to start up. There are many online stores today and few of them are smiling to the bank. The dropshipping business is highly competitive, hence, the need to find a way to a step ahead of your competitors. Considering how competitive the dropshipping market is how do you scale the hurdles, rocket your sales and promote the growth of the business?We have got you covered as we have compiled a list of marketing techniques, to boost sales in your Shopify dropshipping business.

Know Your Audience

In the Shopify dropshipping business, you have to know your audience before you can market your products to them. Before you commence your marketing time, take time to conduct market research. This research will enable you to figure out your audience, what they want and their user behavior. Once you have gathered enough information about them you can tailor your product marketing the way it will make you stand out from your competitors.This includes the use of logos, providing them with high-quality products and the use of formal or informal tone in relating to them.

Establish Good Customer Relationship

It is common knowledge that happy customers are key to a successful business. Treat your customers the way you want to be treated and you will make them loyal to you.When customers are unhappy because you sold a poor quality product to them or you were unable to resolve an issue, they will become disappointed and frustrated. Because of this bad experience, the relationship between you both will turn sour. This will lead them to write a negative review about you that will deter prospective customers from patronizing you. Treat customers rightly so that you will build a strong and healthy relationship with them.

Run Social Media Ads

The social media sphere boasts billions of users. This humongous social media populace has made this platform a highly effective channel for Shopify dropshipping entrepreneurs to spread the word about their brand and increase leads.On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube, customize your ads depending on your budget, goal or demography. Social media marketing allows you to expose your products to a bigger audience and increase traffic to your Shopify dropshipping store to rocket sales.

Encourage Customer Reviews

On a Shopify dropshipping store, prospective customers have grown the habit of reading customer reviews before making a purchase. Customer reviews are similar to a recommendation from a friend. The more positive the reviews are the more reliable the seller is made to appear.After customers complete a purchase on your Shopify dropshipping store, encourage them to drop a positive review. The product review will allow new customers to see what the product is all about and what they stand to gain from buying it. It encourages them to complete a purchase.

Start a Blog

Starting a blog is a marketing and economical technique that drives traffic to your Shopify dropshipping store. Apart from social media, a blog offers you a unique way to build a customer base and generate more traffic and sales to your Shopify store.The more visible the blog is to your audience the better and more effective it becomes in realizing its purpose. This is where SEO comes in. Search engine optimization is a set of processes that optimizes a blog content to make it more visible on search engines. The better the search engine ranking of the blog, the bigger the organic traffic it drives to the Shopify dropshipping store.

Make Your Shopify Dropshipping Store User-Friendly

One of the reasons why many Shopify dropshipping dealers fail to drive up sales is because the store is not designed to be easily navigated by customers. When your store is missing certain vital links or pages, it may become unfriendly and difficult to navigate.Before you launch your Shopify dropshipping store, take a look at the stores of your competitors. Examine the layouts, images, and format of the product listings. This will give you an idea of how to customize yours to encourage new customers to complete a purchase.

Offer Great Customer Service

One of the ways of differentiating yourself from your competitors is to provide a unique and excellent customer service to your customers.Professionally responding to customers’ inquiries sets you apart and endears you to the customers’ hearts. Make them feel valued and appreciated. Present the customer service in a way that tells the customers that their satisfaction comes first before any other thing.

Integrate Video Marketing

According to insivia, more than half of global digital marketers have said that video marketing is highly effective compared to other marketing techniques. Use of video enhances engagement, which is vital to make the prospective buyer take an interest in what you have to sell. The video should be engaging and bare the features and benefits of the product to the customer.

Offer Amazing Deals

Though this may sound like a loss to you in terms of generated profits it is gainful for you in the long run. Online shoppers are shopping in stores that offer discount prices. Use this strategy to get them to shop on your Shopify dropshipping store after which you will jack up the price.

Be Honest

Nothing makes online shoppers stay away from a store than dishonesty from the seller’s part. Ensure that the products sold possess the features described on the product description page. This way, they will see you as a reliable seller and will come back more often to buy from you.There you have it! Above are some marketing tips to double sales in your Shopify dropshipping business. These techniques described above guarantees that you are armed in ensuring that you drive up sales in your Shopify dropshipping business.In case you will like to know more about our services, contact us today at Fulfillman. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you. We will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. An amazing experience awaits you.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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