
How to Prepare Your E-Commerce Store for Summer

Ecommerce business often experience series of changes during summer. Here are some tips to prepare your ecommerce store for summer 2021.…, Continue Reading….

May 31, 2021

As an e-commerce retailer, summertime comes with mixed feelings. On one hand, it is a great time to just soak up the sun and do lots of fun things. On the flip side, summertime comes with reduced revenue because everyone is out having fun and only a few of them have the time to make online purchases.But do you know that you can rewrite that narrative? All you need to do is to prepare your e-commerce store for the summer to turn things in your favor. Here’s how to go about that.

Make Your Site More Mobile-Friendly

One of the major reasons for reduced e-commerce revenue during summertime is because fewer people take their computers on those fun-seeking forays during the summer. A mobile phone is handier and since people easily surf the web with their mobile devices, a laptop becomes unnecessary. Unfortunately, a lot of e-commerce retailers have not mastered the science of making their stores more mobile-friendly.You don’t have to be in that club. Since people use their mobile devices more during summer, find ways to make your store compatible for purchases from a mobile device. That way, people can order whatever they want from your store regardless of their location. All they need is internet connectivity.

Leverage Summer Products

Summertime comes with its peculiarities and market demands. You can align your store's offerings to incorporate some of the products that are in high demand during the summertime. Hence, launching products that are summer-oriented is one great way to get prepared for the market forces that hold sway during summer. Switching to products that sell during summer will keep your store "open" during the summer season.

Organize Contest Giveaways

During the summertime when conversions are low and whatnot, a contest giveaway can change all of that. Heck, you don't even have to wait that long. You can get the giveaways done long before that. The thing with these giveaways is that they increase engagement and conversions while creating buzz about your products. You might have to partner with some affiliate marketers to get it right though.

Plan on a Summer Sale

Holding a summer sale is a great idea especially if you have some stock that you have not been able to get out of the store. A summer sale is a great way to boost sales and increase your income. It is also a great way to reward customers that have been loyal to you all year round. A summer sale allows you to clear stubborn stock, make some money and stay in the good books of your customers. That looks like a win-win situation.

Work On Your Content

You will be needing some kind of content to get your customers primed for your summer products and all the other good stuff you have lined up for your customers during the summer. The idea behind this kind of content is that it offers key insights that they need about getting the product, what benefits it offers, and so on. Generating this kind of content about your store’s offerings for summer also gives you a chance to enhance your SEO as you get to include new keywords.To get the most of this content, you’d need to plan your content. A great way to go about planning your content is to get a detailed content calendar. That way your content generation for your ecommerce store is more productive and effective.

Use Chatbots

If you handled the tips above right, you’d need chatbots to handle the influx of questions that will be coming from old and new clients. A great chatbot strategy ensures that a significant aspect of your store's customer service needs is met. Chatbots increase your efficiency as they can easily answer the common questions customers ask leaving fewer and more complicated questions for you to handle.

Invest in Your Visuals

One of the first things that clients notice about your store is the way it looks. In a season when most ecommerce retailers are struggling for the available clients, you must invest in the way your store looks to the visitors who find their way there. Find ways to improve your brand’s image. Ensure that your promotional materials are designed to arrest attention and compel the readers/viewers into some positive action. Invest as much as you can into your product photography because the more attractive the products are the more likely they are to be ordered.


A wise man once said that your success in any endeavor is down to your level of preparation. The summer season can be trying for the uninitiated ecommerce retailer. With some preparations, you could turn things around and get the best summer sales yet. Use the tips described in this article and get your ecommerce store ready for the summer.Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about our services. We provide a wide range of services including Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Drop Shipping, Third Party Logistics, and lots more. Our trusted experts will be happy to speak with you and provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. A fantastic experience awaits you.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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