
How to Find Trustworthy Dropshipping Suppliers in China

Suppliers are so essential in dropshipping that without them, there’s a missing link in the whole dropshipping process. They are the ones in charge of producing or packaging your p…, Continue Reading…

April 30, 2020

Suppliers are so essential in dropshipping that without them, there’s a missing link in the whole dropshipping process. They are the ones in charge of producing or packaging your products and shipping the product right from China to your customers. Obviously, these two functions are not to be played with, which in fact says a lot about the need for a trustworthy supplier and not just an ordinary supplier.Now, you may be thinking of how to go about finding one. If we are going to be straight with you, the answer is not an easy one. However, it could be so easy if you know the rope. This is what we are about to show you. Let’s take a look at some ways to find trustworthy dropshipping suppliers in China.

Search the Web – Use Google

The web is such a powerful and resourceful place of getting information, as we all must have known. No matter the kind of information we’re looking for, the first place of call is usually the web, Google, in some cases.A simple search of the product keyword + dropshipper or distributors will give you a whole lot of results to begin with. If you’re into handbags, using keywords like -handbags distributors or suppliers in China -will do.This method comes with its own risk also, I mean how possible to get a trustworthy one out of thousands of results. This is where you need to find ways to get more details about those URLs in the list.


Searching online is one thing, vetting your results to know the reliable ones is another thing entirely. Just as mentioned earlier, it could be so easy doing these searches, but it gets tough when you’re faced with thousands of results. You’ll need research and cross-reference to make sure they’re legit.To do this, you need to look around the sites in your search results for a business license, ownership status, photos, certifications, contact information, and stuff like that. While at it, a phone call across to these suppliers is an excellent idea to separate the fake from the legit ones.

Join Social Media Groups

This is another good way of finding trustworthy suppliers in China. Remember, you’re not the first person in the business. There are lots of dropshippers out there. Both experienced and newbies.They may have one or two things to say about the suppliers in China, and that’s one good thing about groups – sharing valuable information! Chances are some dropshippers might have done business with some suppliers, and they’ll likely recommend a good one for whoever needs. Therefore, find and join a related group to your niche, mingle, ask, and answer questions.

Visit Trade Shows

No entrepreneur made it to the big stage without forming some sort of relationship with other people in their line of business. To find trustworthy and reliable suppliers in China, you’ll need to move out of just your locality; you’ll need to attend trade shows.There are trade shows that you can go to and get to meet the movers and pushers in the industry. The International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is attended by Chinese suppliers. Canton Fair is another trade show, and East China Fair is also popular, these are places you can get to meet thousands of China suppliers and participants to relate with them, and also learn about the industry.

Order Product Samples

The importance of ordering product samples cannot be overemphasized. It’s like testing the waters. When you order product samples, you get to have an idea on long the shipping time will take compared to what’s on their website, you get to also know the quality of the products, and how good the packaging is.You’d agree with us that having a taste of what your customers will get is a perfect idea. To have options, you can order samples from 3 to 4 companies and make a comparison.

Order from the Competition

An old but working trick. If your competitor is getting it right, then they might be ordering from good suppliers. The trick is quite simple. Just place a small with those competitors of yours. You get to know about the delivery time, quality, and even packaging.When you receive your order, Google the return address to find out the original shipper of the product. From there, you could get an email or contact information to vet or work with.There you go! As mentioned earlier, finding trustworthy suppliers in China isn’t exactly easy. Suppliers are so vital in dropshipping that, with an unreliable one, a lot of things go wrong with your dropshipping business or brand. However, we made it easy with the above tips. They are just everything you need to know about finding the best and trustworthy dropshipping suppliers in China.For more information about our dropshipping services, contact us today at Fulfillman. Our services are affordable, reliable, and highly professional. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you. We will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. With us, you are guaranteed to get quality and excellent dropshipping services.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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