
Fulfillman vs. Zendrop: What are the Differences?

Fulfillman and Zendrop are among the best dropshipping platforms used by many entrepreneurs. Read on to discover more about the differences between these two platforms.…, Continue Reading….

November 22, 2020

Dropshipping can be very profitable, and dropshipping can be fun at the same time. It all depends on getting it right with so many things from supply to order fulfillment. One of the major determinants of success is getting it right with your partners, including suppliers and fulfillment companies. Fulfillman and Zendrop are among the best dropshipping platforms used by many entrepreneurs.At the moment, there are several dropshipping platforms that it will be difficult for most entrepreneurs to choose one. It is very important, however, that you choose carefully in order to make things easy for you and your customers.

Best Dropshipping Platforms

To be honest, it is hard to specifically point at any dropshipping platform and declare it as the best among the rest. Certainly, there are platforms that are much better than others, and there are some that have been so terrible that most of its users have jumped ships. It is better, however, to always compare platforms and choose one that beats the other in keys areas.One of the platforms that are becoming very popular among dropshippers is Fulfillman. If you have been following trends closely, you will know that people are abandoning several other good platforms to join Fulfillman. This has prompted several comparisons, and we will try to compare Fulfillman and Zendrop right here.

Fulfillman and Zendrop

Fulfillman and Zendrop are both dropshipping companies that help ecommerce entrepreneurs from all over the world to automate different processes from sourcing to order fulfillment. The two platforms have good ratings, but there are differences you need to know about.Before getting down to actual comparison, we will briefly discuss each company to give you an idea of what they do and what they stand for.


Fulfillman is a company that is located in the Zhejiang Province of China, involved in global fulfillment and dropshipping services. The key services offered by the company include full order dropshipping, china sourcing, Amazon FBA services, Crowdfunding fulfillment, product photography, as well as video marketing services.


Zendrop (previously called Silkroad) is a company that was founded as an alternative to Aliexpress and bigger ecommerce giants. It can best be described as an ecommerce solution for dropshippers with custom packaging and automated fulfillment. The company is also involved in private labeling.

Fulfillman vs. Zendrop: Which is Better?

From all indications, Fulfillman seems to be a better company than Zendrop. During its early days, Zendrop was hyped by some gurus as a top alternative dropshipping platform that can overtake some big shots in the industry. In some aspects, it lived up to the expectations and attracted many dropshippers. Some of its prominent features include auto fulfill orders, branded invoicing, and a free plan that will let users get up to 50 orders per month for free.Besides the free plan, Zendrop offers a Pro Plan, where users can pay $49 per month and enjoy unlimited orders as well as several extra features and services. There is also a White Glove ‘Plus’ Plan that offers a lot more than the Pro plan, but the price is not stated. You will have to call them to know how much you will have to pay.Coming back to Fulfillman, this is a complete dropshipping and order fulfillment solution. They can source your products, fulfill the items, ship the package through a private line, and keep you updated about the entire process. While sourcing your items, Fulfillman will quality-check to ensure that your customers are never disappointed with what they get.

Major Reasons to Choose Fulfillman over Zendrop

As we have tried to explain here, there are several wonderful things about Fulfillman that makes it the company of choice for most dropshippers. Here are the major reasons to choose it:

Fast Shipping

While Zendrop offers fast shipping, Fulfillman is definitely the best when you need your items to be delivered as fast as possible. They ship via private line directly from China, which is the fastest means of shipping overseas.

Worldwide Shipping

Zendrop is focused on US fulfillment, and this is a key area for international dropshippers. It is easier, faster, and more cost-effective to ship to international destinations with fulfillman. Your item can be shipped to any country in the world.

Efficient Branding

If you need your items to be properly branded before shipping, Fulfilman is the right company to work with. They can also take care of your logo, flyers, business cards, custom boxes, etc.

Transparent Pricing

This is where Fulfillman beats most competitors. The company’s pricing structure is very transparent. It is not like the beginner package offered by Zendrop where your orders are limited and more will attract some costs.

Efficient Communication

Fulfillman keeps open communication with users at all times. This makes it possible for issues to be resolved as soon as possible. You will get an immediate response to any question via Skype.

Convenient Return/Refund Policy

It is also easy for your customers to return products and get refunds when you are working with Fulfillman. As mentioned earlier, the company checks every item for quality compliance, which makes returns very rare.

Excellent Customer Service

Fulfillman has a solid customer support tradition that is better than what Zendrop and most other platforms offer. You can have peace of mind when dealing with them.


From all indications, Fulfillman is a better dropshipping platform than Zendrop. The reviews from verified users will collaborate with the points we have raised here. If you are considering picking one from the two, we will strongly recommend Fulfillman.Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about our services. We specialize in providing excellent Drop Shipping services, Warehouse fulfillment, China sourcing, Third Party Logistics, and so forth. Our dedicated experts will be available to speak with you and discuss the options available to you. We guarantee you get quality and excellent services that gives 100% client satisfaction.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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