eCommerce Tips

Dropshipping: How to Find Products to Dropship

Finding products to dropship in your store is one of the essential parts of the dropshipping process. Sometimes, finding products might be difficult, especially if you are new to d…, Continue Reading…

December 12, 2019

Finding products to dropship in your store is one of the essential parts of the dropshipping process. Sometimes, finding products might be difficult, especially if you are new to dropshipping. After all, it isn’t about finding ordinary products for your store but finding excellent and high-quality products that you can sell at an affordable price point for your customers. The best things are never easy to come by; it can be tricky finding products to dropship if you don’t know how to. Below are some tips that can help you in the quest:

Check Out Trending Products

Well, they’re trending after all. Which means there’s been a lot of traffic on the particular product. Trending products are usually great options for any dropshipping business; you don’t want your store to be left out in your niche. When you can’t decide what products to dropship, you should consider looking out for products that are currently trending.In addition, if you can source trending products before they hit the masses, chances are you’ll establish your brand as a leader in that field and enjoy some other advantages.

Check Social Shopping Sites

Searching social shopping sites for products that sell is another good way of finding products for your dropshipping store. When you search these platforms, you’re definitely going to find what you are looking for. Why?These platforms - social shopping sites- are ecommerce enabled websites where the shopping experience is shared with a social network of people. Sharing can come in the form of likes, comments, recommending products to each other. Your primary mission on these sites is to use other people's recommendations to influence yours.

Join Online Communities

There are several online communities and forums that you can join and begin to do research through. One of the platforms that offer these online communities is Facebook. Facebook has been known to have hundreds of open and close communities that can help you understand the needs and wants of people in many areas of the world.Knowing what people want will help you in finding the products for your store. Search for these groups and join the one related to your niche. Engage in discussion; if a particular problem is being discussed, you can find a product you could sell to overcome it.

Competitor Product Research

The best way you could improve on yourself and your business is to be on the lookout for your competitors and how they do their things. To find products to dropship, you need to look at possible competitors and research their products, how they source, and how they sell them.Luckily, competitors’ product research is not a hard task, as you can do a quick Google search for a product, and highlight a range of competitors in a matter of seconds. Then, you can go through their websites to find information on the products.

Get the Right Profit Margin

Finding products to dropship on your store can turn sour if you don’t consider the profit margin of products. You need to get the margin right. Some people may say or go with a 20% profit margin, but it is better and a more effective way when you go with products that you can sell with a 30% or more profit margin.Well, the more popular a product is, the more likely you will need to sell at a lower price to stay competitive. But there are some products that you can make a reasonable amount of profit on. You just have to find them and make sure the pass percentage for the profit margin is reached.

Check Other Store for Inspiration

There have been dropshippers and stores before yours. Right? Don’t you think you can draw some inspiration from them? Well, you actually can. Learning from the best and the established in the business can help you as a dropshipping store owner. When it’s time to find products for your store, you can check these successful stores out and see what they are selling. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to do it like them, but you can actually draw inspiration to come up with your product ideas. What’s more? You also get to visualize how your online store might look and feel.

Find a Niche

Finding and majoring in a particular niche is a way of clearing the path towards finding the products you can dropship. Since there are too many competitors, the most popular products on the big and established stores might not be easy to sell, especially for a small retailer or growing store owner.But if you can narrow down your search and find a popular product that you can make unique to your store in some way, this product can be the answer.

Check Google Trend

Yes! We all know Google helps and does a lot of things by now. One of them is the ability to check the amount of traffic keywords related to a particular niche. When finding products to dropship, consider checking Google trend, with Google trend, you can easily know the market size, and popularity of any products.You can also check Google Trend for the trend of people’s interest in your niche over time in case the demand of the niche or product is a seasonal one. There you have it! Above are some valuable tips that will help you to find products to dropship. As said earlier, it can be tricky finding products to dropship if you don’t know how to. It is a crucial task that can sometimes be herculean. However, with the tips mentioned above and ways to discover the products, this quest shouldn’t be a tough call anymore. Do you need a reliable drop shipping company for your ecommerce business? Contact us today at Fulfillman. We specialize in providing excellent and top class Drop Shipping services, Warehouse fulfillment, China sourcing, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our trusted experts will be available to speak with you and discuss your needs. We guarantee you get quality and excellent services that gives complete customer satisfaction. An amazing experience awaits you.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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