
China Sourcing: 7 Possible Ways to Source Products from China

Getting the best deals when China sourcing products requires strategic planning and working with the appropriate channels. Here are some ways to source products from China.…, Continue Reading….

April 26, 2021

China is one of the world’s biggest manufacturing hubs. Over the years, it has become a great destination for businesses looking to source unique yet affordable products. Importing products from China has many benefits for people who have the experience and understanding of the China sourcing process.However, it is an entirely different story for the uninitiated looking for a means to exploit some of the benefits of sourcing products from China. A poorly planned and badly executed attempt at importing goods from China can lead to avoidable losses. What with all the fluctuating costs and fees, delays and every other thing that could go wrong with your China sourcing endeavors. There is good news, though.Sourcing products from China does not have to be a complex and risky affair. All you need is an understanding of how to go about it. Thankfully, this article offers some insights on ways to source products from China. Read on.

Buying from Sourcing Agents/Trading Companies or Sourcing Service Provider

If you have the finances, it might be a great idea to get professionals to do the heavy lifting. Professionals like sourcing agents, trading companies and source service providers have the experience and connections they leverage to meet your importation needs.It might be pricey, but if you can hire an experienced and reliable sourcing agent/sourcing service provider or trading company, it will be a worthwhile investment.Sourcing agents are better positioned to handle the product sourcing processes: getting and negotiating the best pricing and terms with the best suppliers and picking the best logistics services. You'd need to handle some parts of the process yourself, though.A sourcing service provider will take complete control of the process, and you might not need to handle any part of the process. A sourcing service provider will handle supplier identification, price negotiation, supply management, quality control and logistics, and shipment. They save you from a lot of hassles, although their services are pricier than those of the sourcing agents.Hiring a reputable trading company is another great option if you want to source a small number of products from China. They have the network required to get you’re the product. The downside is that their services are not personalized, so you might have product quality issues.

Contacting Manufacturers Directly

You could buy your products straight from the manufacturers without having to be physically present. It will require a lot of research as you’d need to ascertain, validate, and assess a potential manufacturer. After you have completed these processes, you can then proceed to source the products directly from them. There is also the option of buying products via a B2B sourcing platform. If you can get the right manufacturer and the transaction goes smoothly, you stand to save significant funds. There are risks involved, though: scams and poor quality products.

Attending Trade Shows

Trade shows present great opportunities to meet potential suppliers first-hand. This enables you to forge relationships that could land you better deals and more. You also get to vet and inspect new products that you might want to add to your inventory. There are three types of trade shows that you could attend in China

  • General trade shows
  • Industry-specific fairs
  • Regional marketplaces

Visits To the Factory

Getting to visit a supplier's factory allows you to see how suitable they are for business. You get to see the state of their facilities, the capabilities of their workers, the type of equipment they use, and the efficiency of their production line. The best part is that you get to meet with the management and negotiate directly with them.


Referrals can come in handy when looking to land a reputable and experienced supplier. You can get referrals from online sources like friends and business acquaintances. You could also get referrals from online sources like online forums and social media.

Attending Matchmaking Events

There are matchmaking events that are solely designed for people looking to source products from local Chinese suppliers. Some sourcing platforms and trade shows often power these events, and they are a great avenue to meet the right suppliers for you. You'd need to take the necessary precautions, though.

Customs Import Records

You could also use customs import records to ascertain the right suppliers for your business. The idea is to study the import records of established firms in your industry. A thorough study of their imports would reveal the supplier who you could trust to deliver quality products. After all, if they are good enough for the established businesses, they should be good enough to do business with you.

Fulfillman China Sourcing Services

Fulfillman China Sourcing Services is the undisputable leader in China’s dropshipping space. We offer a range of services that are sure to meet even your most diverse product sourcing needs. The best part is that our business is designed so that even newbies can easily source products from China.Contact us today at Fulfillman if you need professional help with your China sourcing endeavors. We are a reputable provider of China Sourcing services. In addition, we offer Drop Shipping, Third Party Logistics, Warehouse Fulfillment, Product Photography, Private Label Dropshipping, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss the options available to you. We guarantee you outstanding and exceptional services.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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