
The Right Ecommerce Marketing Plan to Drive Your Brand and Increase Order Value

Marketing is an integral part of e-commerce. After building your store and choosing what products you want to sell, the next task is how to drive more traffic to your site and furt…, Continue Reading…

July 24, 2020

Marketing is an integral part of e-commerce; as a newbie to the e-commerce world, you need to know this. After building your store and choosing what products you want to be selling, the next point on the agenda is always how to drive more traffic to your site to drive your brand and further increase order value.You probably have some strategies in mind already to drive your brand. Unless you do the right ones and in the right way, chances are your efforts might not yield the right results. To prevent this, we’ve come up with something. Below are the perfect e-commerce marketing plans to drive your brand and increase order value.

Define Your Target Audience

One marketing plan that you can’t go wrong with is defining whom or the set of people you want to attract in the first place. It is what every person going into e-commerce marketing must do. You need to do solid market research about the people you want to engage.Make research to know what an ideal client think of products like the one you’re planning on selling. Also, know the various ways or platforms they use to look for information relevant to the product, their lifestyle, and the drivers behind their decision-making when shopping online. It’s all about knowing the audience best for your product and brand.

Define Your Value Proposition

Apart from defining your brand, you need to define your value proposition too. E-commerce business is a very competitive one because many other stores are selling the same product as yours. Surviving this challenge and standing out tall is where the value proposition comes in.A value proposition is all about what your brand brings to the market that’s different from others or unique. Your unique value proposition (UVP) tells customers why they should consider buying from you. For instance, your UVP could be offering free shipping if your competitors don’t or faster delivery times. Having a better return policy, or it could be being best at customer service.

Evaluate the Competition

As mentioned earlier, the e-commerce business is very competitive. However, the good news is these competitions can actually help you in some ways. These other stores in your niche could help power your marketing and sales. You only need to do your research and evaluate your competitors carefully. The fact is - chances are your competitors have been in business before you and have tested many strategies you haven’t think of yet. Therefore, by carefully analyzing how they work, or what factors drive their own success or brand, you’re indirectly getting strategies to drive your own brand.

Work Out Possible Offers

Everybody likes free things! Offering freebies is one of the ways to get customers to know more about your brand. Maybe you don’t know; most e-commerce customers actually expect you to offer them something like an incentive for buying on your store.So, as a way to drive your brand, make it a habit of offering your customers some form of incentives you can afford, it could be in the form of discount or even free shipping. Do this, and you’d see the rise in comebacks and order value.

Make Sure Your Website is Mobile-friendly

Like it or not, a website that’s not mobile-friendly can not drive a brand. Even if your marketing plan works and drives in enough traffic, you will need a good and mobile-friendly website to retain these customers. Online sales on mobile devices are over 60%, and this says a lot about the need for a store to ensure their site works well and responsive for mobile.

Create Awesome Content

Another excellent plan to drive your brand and ensure your brand stands out tall out there is by creating awesome and quality content for your customers. Quality and topnotch content wins over a target audience and can lead to high conversion for your business. Here is a way to create quality content:For instance, if you sell handbags, then chances are a good number of your visitors would be young ladies. So, to attract these young ladies, you could write content or articles on different trending handbags, and how different handbags fit different occasions.This way, you’re killing two birds with a stone. You’re showcasing your knowledge about your products, and at the same time advertising them because customers will surely want to have a feel of a product you just wrote on beautifully. They’ll want to discover more; this action will, in turn, drive your brand and increase your sales and order value. You can also add videos and infographics to these content. There you go! There are loads of plans out there, but the right ones aren’t easy to come by. Luckily you have the above ideas at your disposal now. If implemented collectively, these plans can draw in much more traffic, with an increase in your brand reach and order value assured.Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about our services. We specialize in providing excellent and top class Dropshipping services, Warehouse fulfillment, China sourcing, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our trusted experts will be available to speak with you and discuss more about the options available to you. We guarantee you get quality and excellent services that gives complete customer satisfaction. An amazing experience awaits you.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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