
International Ecommerce: 8 Amazing Tips to Sell Your Products Internationally

International ecommerce is fast becoming a business trend all over the world. Read on to discover some amazing tips to sell your products internationally.…, Continue Reading….

June 14, 2021

International ecommerce is fast becoming a business trend since the internet made the world a global village. There are so many benefits to selling your products internationally that you would be missing out on a lot if you have not started doing so. If you are looking to launch an international ecommerce business, here are some amazing tips we believe can help you along that path. Read on.

You’d Need an Ecommerce Website

An ecommerce website is an online store where you showcase your products for the online world to view what you are selling. Again, having an ecommerce website is one thing; having one good enough to attract customers is another thing. In any case, you need to hire a reputable ecommerce website builder (except you are one) to get you a website that can cater to the needs of diverse internet users. That would mean getting a multi-lingual that offers an excellent user experience.

Determine and Focus on the Right Markets

If you are to record great sales of your products, you'd need to make sure that you are servicing the right markets for your products. Take the time to research the market for your products. Take a look at the linguistic and cultural differences across the international space. You also want to study how the political and economic conditions worldwide affect the demands for your products.

Get With a Reputable and International Online Marketplace

Thanks to the expansion of the ecommerce landscape, there are many international online marketplaces where you can sell your products. All you need to do is establish a seller account, create listings for the available products, ship internationally to customers, and voila! You are in business! The catch is that you must do this with a reputable marketplace that has a reputation to uphold. There are tons of benefits to be had from working with such a marketplace. You get to establish warehouses at different places, and orders can be speedily delivered at cheap shipping charges. We recommend marketplaces like eBay and Amazon.

Take a Look at the Laws and Regulations

You see, the thing about international trading is that every country has its set of laws that it works with. And for you to be able to trade successfully across the world, you'd need to be conversant with those laws and how they affect the sale of your products. What are the import, export, and customs laws that govern the countries? Are there taxes and duties that you need to know about before trading there? Are there specific regulations guiding the sale of your products? What about stuff like packaging, safety, and labeling stipulations?

Promote Your Products

Promoting your products gets people to see what you have to offer. There are loads of other folks in the same business as you, so how else do you get out there? Promotions are the only way out. Thankfully, there are tons of techniques that you could use to keep your products in the faces of your prospective customers. You opt to get your customers to write product reviews that convince people looking to buy your products. You could also buy sponsored posts on reputable marketplaces so that your products can show up on search results pages. Other promotional techniques include working with social media influencers, purchasing ads on social media, setting up promotions, special deals, contests, and giveaways.

Get the Right Global Payment Provider

Since you aim for a global reach, you'd need to work with the right payment provider so that international payments become a seamless process for your international customers. Ensure that such a provider can implement popular payment options and gateways that make trading with you convenient, secure, and fast.

Have a Top-Notch Customer Service

Many international customers are wary of shopping with just about anyone because of issues like incorrect delivery, return and refund, and after-sales service. That's why you need live customer service that caters to these concerns. Try as much as possible to get customer service agents that speak different languages and have a great understanding of your products to easily manage any issue that arises.

You Need a Better Social Presence

Social media is an excellent platform for reaching a lot of people. It is one of the best ways to connect with your customers. As someone in the ecommerce business, you need to leverage its potential for product promotions and customer interactions. Ensure that you have a great social media presence that allows you to find and get customers for your products.


Selling your products on the international scene just got easier these days, all thanks to the internet and digitization. Once you get the hang f international trading, you could tap into the potential of the global market. We hope these tips will point you in the right direction to becoming successful at trading internationally.Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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