
How to Make Your First Dropshipping Sale In 2023

Are you just starting your dropshipping business and yet to make your first sale? Read on to know how to make your first dropshipping sale in 2023.…, Continue Reading….

January 19, 2023

"How do I make my first dropshipping sale?" It’s the question that bothers many new dropshippers. The truth is that you have to take action to win customers and sell products. This article will give you an insight into what actions can set the wheels in motion. Continue reading to know how to make your first dropshipping sale in 2023.

Focus On One Product

Most times, when beginners start a dropshipping business, they try advertising several products at once, as many as the budget allows. However, this isn’t the best choice for upcoming dropshippers. Instead, focus on just one product. In any dropshipping niche, there’s a product that is more popular than others. You can call it the flagship product. Concentrating your efforts on advertising this particular product should be enough to result in your first dropshipping sale.

Build A Social Media Community

Social media can be your best friend when you want to make your first dropshipping sale. It’s more trusted than advertisements. It facilitates finding your target customer base. When building a social media community, ensure to post regularly. It’s difficult to cultivate loyalty when you post erratically and at unpredictable times. Follow the 70-20-10 rule. 70% of your content should be entertaining and about your brand’s theme or niche, 20% should be shared content from other related brands or your followers, and 10% should be self-promotional, i.e., new product releases.

Offer A Promotion to Make Your First Dropshipping Sale

Offering a promotion is one of the oldest sales tactics and also one of the most effective ways to make first dropshipping sale. Offer a promotion like vouchers and coupons to incentivize sales. This is a favorite for brick-and-mortar retailers, but it works just as well for dropshipping businesses too. If you’re planning to launch your store, or you recently opened and are struggling to make a foothold, promotions are an amazing way to entice people to shop. No one will refuse a great deal!

Shoot Videos Of Your Products

The most valuable thing for customers is information. They need to ensure that whatever they’re buying is worthwhile. So, what gives them the most comprehensive picture of a product? Right, your product photos and descriptions matter a lot. Meanwhile, video content makes a significant difference. Additionally, it’s more engaging and easier to perceive. It’s more convincing. If you shoot detailed reviews of your products and put them on all your social media platforms, you’ll see your first dropshipping sale soon.

Team Up With Influencers to Make Your First Dropshipping Sale

Influencers who give their followers advice on what to buy are more powerful than ever before. It seems the more competing products and brands that pop up, the more the public trusts influencers to help them sift through everything. This makes influencer marketing ideal for getting your brand and business out there. If you partner with influencers, even before you launch, you’ll have access to an entire pool of people you wouldn’t be able to reach otherwise. Even more impressive, influencers give your brand a vote of confidence, which cuts through any doubts their followers have.

Make Your Product Pages Informative and Appealing

Before customers buy something at first, they’d ensure it’s exactly what they need. Isn’t it? They do this by exploring product pages. Unfortunately, some dropshippers don’t pay the necessary attention to them. As a result, customers see some superficial information that leaves them cold. Your customers need to get a clear picture of a necessary product by exploring the product page. So, your product descriptions and photos should be informative and appealing to make customers pull the trigger and you can make your first dropshipping sale.

Run A Contest Or Giveaway

Another amazing idea for making your first dropshipping sale is throwing a contest or giveaway. For example, each tenth buyer gets some product for free. Or each thirtieth who reposts your advertising post gets a discount, and so on. You’ve got the idea. This strategy is as effective as using coupons. As it has been mentioned, customers are eager to get some benefits. So, make it a duty of utilizing it.

Optimize Your Store For Search Engines

Asides from advertising, your first dropshipping sale can come from search engines. That is if your site is well-optimized. SEO can generate free traffic. Though it might be challenging to compete with other brands (especially in certain niches), it’s still possible to drive traffic with long-tail keywords.


The first step to making your first dropshipping sale is to sell something worth buying. You may likewise need to change your website design. Often, dropshippers make their stores too bright or put too many details. Today, simplicity is the key to success. When a person visits your store, nothing should distract them from the shopping process. Make use of the strategies discussed above and you’ll see yourself making your first dropshipping sale and more sales for the whole of 2023.

Do You Need Help Making Your first dropshipping sale? Contact Us Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about our services. We specialize in providing excellent Drop Shipping services, Warehouse fulfillment, China sourcing, Third Party Logistics, and so forth. Our dedicated experts will be available to speak with you and discuss the options available to you. We guarantee you get quality and excellent services that gives 100% client satisfaction.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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