
How to Grow Your E-commerce Store with Digital Marketing

An effective digital marketing strategy is essential for every E-commerce store. In this guide, we'll give you tactics on how to grow your E-commerce store with effective digital m…, Continue Reading…

April 16, 2021

As an online business owner, growing your E-commerce store would be your utmost priority. Although most business owners know the basic marketing strategies, they don't understand how to use them to step up their businesses and attain the highest business growth level. An effective digital marketing strategy is essential for every E-commerce store. In this guide, we'll give you tactics on how to grow your E-commerce store with effective digital marketing strategies. Whether you already own an E-commerce store or you are a beginner, you can employ these strategies for your online businesses.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO has been proven over and over again to achieve successful results in promoting online businesses. Marketing strategies shouldn't just be on a short-term basis. SEO should be your best option, especially if you want low acquisition costs.SEO involves using keywords related to your niche. You can also use SEO to target a wider audience by using broader keywords related to your niche. For instance, if your niche is cosmetics, you would use keywords related to beauty and makeup. You gain a more relevant audience when you create content around your niche. Here are a few SEO strategies to promote your E-commerce store;

  • Use SEO tools. SEO tools help you assess SEO on your online store and informs you when you make SEO errors. You can use SEO tools like; SEO manager or Plug-In. Google penalizes you when there are SEO Errors on your sites. They can penalize you by removing your search engine visibility. Using these SEO tools helps you optimize your site correctly.
  • You can optimize your online store by creating more web pages. Adding blog posts, new products, landing pages, and Ebooks can attract more traffic to your site.
  • Keep updating old content. Delete the outdated ones and add content that's relevant to current trends. When you do this, your content ranks high in Google search results which drives more traffic to your E-commerce store. As you create more content, ensure you update your old content as well.

Social Media

Social media isn't only about posting content daily. To effectively promote and grow your online store, you need a viable and working plan. Social Media platforms have their target audience. For instance, LinkedIn focuses more on B2B (business-to-business) audiences. So, if you are a beauty products retailer, your sales will most likely not come from LinkedIn. You will get more engagements from social media platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook. More sales would come from these platforms because they are visual platforms.Identifying the suitable social media platform for your business is the first step. Subsequently, you can consider other factors like; the kind of content to post, how often you should upload content, and tactics that can significantly promote your E-commerce store. Here are a few social media tactics that can promote your E-commerce store:

  • Know your target customers by focusing on your demographics. Demographics can be based on sex, age, class, profession, etc. This will help you tailor your content to the interest and needs of target customers.
  • Build your customers' loyalty by sharing their content with your audience. You can share photos of a customer using your product with your audience.
  • Use a social calendar to help you schedule your content appropriately. Social calendars can help you track the kind of content your audience responds to the most.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the fastest ways to grow your E-commerce store. Email Marketing works effectively when you can keep remarketing your brand to your target audience. You can include an opt-in directory to your blog or page to build your email list. The bigger your email list is, the more impact your marketing strategy creates. Here are some email marketing tips for you;

  • Create an email funnel: Email funnels are sequenced emails that help you market your chosen product to your customers.
  • Send personalized emails: Personalized emails increase your sales because the email is usually relevant to your customer. You can easily send personalized emails by segmenting your email lists.


Advertisement is one of the most popular marketing strategies business owners use to promote their brand. Thanks to technology, E-commerce store owners can now use ads to grow their online businesses. Social media platforms now offer paid ads that business owners can use to promote their businesses. You can use Facebook and Google to run retargeting ads that can help you generate more sales from revisiting customers.

Collaborate with Other Brands and Influencers

People usually perceive brands with a similar audience to be competitors, not allies. But, contrary to what many people think, collaborating with brands can grow your business. Targeting the audience of the other brand can help you gain a wider audience; this makes your business more successful. You can collaborate with other brands by creating joint content, launching a new product jointly, or hosting contests.Influencer marketing can skyrocket your business into a success. Influencers usually have a wider audience. They can help you promote your business to their audience; which makes your business more successful.


These different digital marketing strategies can work together. Hence, combining several digital marketing strategies gives your business the maximum growth it needs. Contact us today at Fulfillman. We provide a wide range of services including Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Drop Shipping, Third Party Logistics, and lots more. Our trusted experts will be happy to speak with you and provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. A fantastic experience awaits you.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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