
How to Create an Online or E-commerce Business That Can Survive a Pandemic

This pandemic has affected and still affecting some online and offline business; even the economy has taken a downturn. This calls for the need to have a business that can survive…, Continue Reading….

June 15, 2020

This pandemic has affected and still affecting some online and offline business; even the economy has taken a downturn. This calls for the need to have a business that can survive a pandemic, the one that would still be paying you like there’s no downturn whatsoever, it pays even while you’re sleeping. In this article, we’ll show you how to create an online or e-commerce business that can survive a pandemic.

Create a Steady Stream of Organic Leads

To have a shield and create an online business that can survive any pandemic or recession or economic downturn, you need to find a way to create a steady stream of organic leads. It is through this that you can get a steady income flow. Creating a steady stream of organic leads is not so difficult to do if you know how to. Luckily, we are going to show you how. Three platforms you can use for this purpose are Medium, WordPress, or Social Media.Just like the way you post pictures on Instagram, Medium (Medium.com) is a website where you post articles, follow other writers, while you get followed in return. The website gets tens of millions of visits per month, and if you’re very good at what you do and write, you can get about 1-2 new email subscribers per 100 views. Now think of when you have thousands of followers, and how many views you would get. The trick is simple, a CTA at the bottom of your blog post that says something like, “Hi, why don’t you sign up for my newsletter to get more on this” will usually do the magic. Then there’s a link to a sign-up form.WordPress is not like Medium; it’s basically just your own website. You have to run the website by yourself and create your own traffic. SEO can help you with this. The trick here is to find a keyword or niche with a low volume of people, build your site based on it, and put that traffic you’ll be getting to good use.You can also leverage social media sites to get your leads. Social media site like LinkedIn is best suited for this. Unlike Medium, where you can only post articles, you can choose to post videos, pictures, and status updates on LinkedIn. The trick here is to make a good piece of content that will garner lots of views; then you tell viewers that there’s a link in the comments to sign up for your webinar right away and drop the link in the comments.

Create a Revenue Stream

Now, let’s get into the process of making money with those leads we’ve gotten from the first step. You could create a funnel for your revenue stream. The funnel is the process flow from where you make a post to when you get paid for it.Your funnel could look like 1. Blog Post → 2. Email Sign Up → 3. Free 5-Day Email Course → 4. Webinar → 5. Online Course Sale.It’s simple and very effective. People read your posts or articles; they sign up for your free email course, attend a webinar, where you get to teach something and, in the end, sell out a product or an online course.

Automate the Revenue Stream

If you can generate enough leads and create a revenue stream from them, then you need to make sure you automate the revenue stream. You don’t want to be online and doing webinars all day, do you? Especially when there’s a faster way, the way of automation.The secret is to have an automated webinar that can run three times a week. Your leads get to subscribe for your email course from your blog post, then to the automated webinar which is going to be shown to them like it’s live, and then your automated sales flow in.

Have Multiple Revenue Streams

Like it or not, all the processes above might not still be sufficient enough to survive a pandemic. The secret is having multiples of those revenue streams. Yes! Five is better than one, right? So far, you do the five the right way.The reason for diversifying is not farfetched. What if the only one stream you have went down? How are you going to survive? However, with multiple revenue streams, if one is down, two or three can still be paying you.There you have it! How would you feel if you keep getting different emails, multiple times in a day saying some customers just purchased your course online? Especially in a time like this. You’d feel great and thrilled right. Well, above are the secrets, the ways to create as well as the process that can help your online business survive during a pandemic.Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about our services. We specialize in providing excellent Drop Shipping services, Warehouse fulfillment, China sourcing, Third Party Logistics, and so forth. Our dedicated experts will be available to speak with you and discuss the options available to you. We guarantee you get quality and excellent services that gives 100% client satisfaction.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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