
8 Essential Tip to Keep Customers Updated about Your Dropshipping Business

Keeping your customers updated about any changes in pricing, product offerings, or business operations is crucial. Here are some essential tips to keep your customers updated about…, Continue Reading…

June 17, 2021

Your dropshipping business caters to a range of customers who patronize you for several reasons. You would be wise to keep them updated about any changes in pricing, product offerings, or business operations because keeping them updated is vital to retaining the old ones and attracting new ones. Here are some essential tips you might need to keep your customers updated about your business.

Have a Plan

You’d need something of a plan (we’ll call it a communication plan) on how you intend to keep your customers in the know about your business. Your plan should incorporate "mini-plans" that all work together for the bigger plan. It would be best if you designed your plan in a way that makes it easy for you to impart essential updates on your dropshipping business in a seamless process.

Invest In Professional Product Photography

As a drop shipper, you deal in products that are tangible and easy to see. That is why you need top-notch photography. Great photos of your latest offerings will hook your customers. Once you have new products that you want your customers to know about, use pictures. People are primarily influenced by what they see, and one of the best ways to keep your customers abreast of your products is via great product photos. Avoid generic, low-quality shots by all means.

Start a YouTube channel

You might choose to take things up a notch from excellent product photography with catchy videos. If great product photos can captivate customers, a well-shot video will inform and compel your customers about your latest offerings. Let the video be focused on the product, and your customers stand to gain from getting the products. You can include the links to the video on your website or your social media pages.

Invest In Online Ads

Did you know that you could use suitable ads to update your customers about the latest products in your dropshipping business? Yes, you can, especially with the multitude of ads that you can run across all your social media platforms(assuming you already have social media pages). Of course, Google displays ads will put you right in your audience's face, but if you have functional social media platforms, try running ads on them. Preferably Instagram and Facebook.

Exploit Email Marketing

Although social media is quite prominent in the dropshipping landscape, email is still one of the best ways to keep your customers abreast of the latest trends in your business. An email newsletter allows you to contact all your customers at once and is a great way to let them know the latest products, offers, and changes in your business. In addition, with an email newsletter, you are no longer subject to the almighty internet algorithm that governs social media. So it is a great idea to send regular emails to your customers to let them know about the changes that are taking place in your business.

Use Social Media

Most of the world's population is on social media. That is why it offers an excellent means of keeping your customers updated about your business. You can post just about anything you want about your business on any of the social media platforms you are on. First, however, you need to understand the uniqueness of each platform and how to leverage it to your advantage. To do this, you'd need a viable social media strategy.You also get the opportunity to engage your customers by answering their questions or address any issues that they might have using your social media page(s). If you have multiple social media channels, some tools can even help you manage them simultaneously to get as much information out to as many customers.

You Can Post Updates On Your Website

Disseminating vital info is one of the reasons why you created your website in the first place. So one great way to keep your customers updated about your business is to make regular posts on your website. You might opt to do this using a banner or conspicuous links. Another way is to create a page that is dedicated to any updates you want them to have.

Share Informative Resources

By informative resources, we mean content that gives your customers more information about the changes, modifications, or trends in your business that they need to know. The resources could take the form of blog content or just informative that throws more light or addresses any issues or queries. You should try as much as possible to share these resources across multiple channels to ensure that they get to as many people as possible.


Without your customers, you wouldn't have a dropshipping business. You are bound to increase and improve your product offerings in addition to other changes. The best way to keep your customers satisfied is to keep them updated about your business. Use the tips shared in this article to keep your customers abreast with your dropshipping business.In case you will like to know more about dropshipping or other services we offer, contact us today at Fulfillman. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you. We will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. An amazing experience awaits you.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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