
9 Design Tips and Best Practices for Your Ecommerce Website in 2021

There are lots of opportunities for ecommerce businesses. Continue reading to discover nine design tips and best practices that will enable your ecommerce website soar in 2021.…, Continue Reading….

February 1, 2021

The e-commerce industry is projected to hit $5 trillion in 2021. That is a lot of money! It is also a lot of opportunity for ecommerce businesses as it signifies money to be made. However, without a well-designed and optimized website, your e-commerce business will likely not get anywhere.Furthermore, studies show that it takes website visitors as little as 0.05 seconds to decide whether they like a website or not. This statistic highlights the importance of great website design and how it can impact your business's success or otherwise.Since that has been established, how do you design your e-commerce website to ensure it attracts customers? This article will provide you with nine design tips and best practices that will enable your ecommerce website to soar in 2021.

Keep Your Sentences And Paragraphs Short

Reading text on our devices can be a hassle. For one, the screens are narrower and the texts tinier than on books. For this reason, it is advisable to keep sentences and paragraphs short. They are easier to read this way, and your website’s visitors will be grateful to you for that. Ideally, keep your sentence length under 20 words, and your paragraphs should not be more than six lines.

Use Vibrant, High-Quality Images

Another design tip that will put your ecommerce website in good standing in 2021 is to use vibrant images. Unlike physical stores, where customers can walk in and physically experience products, e-commerce stores can only rely on quality images to convince their customers. Therefore, endeavor to use high-resolution images they can zoom into and use to get a good feel of the product.

Ensure it Can Work With Mobile

Mobile phones make up a substantial amount of internet traffic these days. As a result, failure to cater to this demographic will mean you are leaving a lot of money on the table. If you want your ecommerce business to succeed in 2021, prioritize responsiveness in its design.

Provide Multiple Contact Channels

There are times when a potential customer might need to get in touch with you. If they can't, then chances are that you will lose them to a competitor. To prevent this, provide multiple contact channels for your website visitors. In the event that they cannot reach you via one channel, they will simply try the next and the next until they do. Some contact points you should consider are:

  • Links to your social media pages
  • A Live Chat option
  • A contact page with a form, an active phone number, and a physical address.

Include Social Proof

Let’s say you want to buy a product and you have two stores to buy it from. Of the two stores, one has been vouched for by a friend, while you have no reviews about the other. Which would you likely patronize?Most people will choose the former, and that is why social proof is important. When your ecommerce website has evidence of connecting with and satisfying customers, it will inspire confidence. As a result, interested visitors will be more likely to patronize you. Social proof can take any of the following forms:

  • Customer reviews
  • Press mentions
  • Awards
  • Testimonials

A note of caution: do not overdo it. Instead of filling your website up with several social evidence, use the most relevant.

Make Navigation Convenient

Another crucial tip for your ecommerce website is to make navigation convenient. Customers would prefer to locate what they want quickly, purchase it, and then go on with their day. Consequently, endeavor to make your site’s navigation intuitive so customers can easily progress to the most important action.

Add FAQs

Customers do not always want to come looking for you when they have a problem. This is why having an FAQ section where they can find solutions is important. Figure out the problems most visitors to your website face, then create FAQ content they can use to resolve them.Remember to place the FAQ in a location where they can easily find it. This will boost their confidence in your service as they will be able to utilize it better. As an ecommerce website, common topics to create FAQ content include shipping, refund policies, and account management.

Embrace Simplicity

Simplicity is key, especially for an ecommerce website. While complex designs might look appealing, avoid them. Stick with easy and clean designs instead. Everything on your website should be deliberate and for a purpose. Avoid the temptation to embellish and provide too much information. This will do the opposite of what you want: chase customers away. Besides, a simple and minimally designed website will have faster load times. This will ensure visitors to your website stay long enough to buy something.

Avoid Ambiguous CTAs

Finally, your call-to-action should be clear and easily identifiable. You will gain nothing from being vague about what you want your customers to do. In fact, you will lose business this way. For this reason, ensure your CTAs stand out.


Every ecommerce store wants to sell, yet not all do. Some of these stores can remove the barrier they are facing by making some changes to their website's design. If you belong to this club, the tips in this article – short sentences, social proof, etc. – will help you start making sales.Do you need a reliable company for your ecommerce business? Contact us today at Fulfillman. We specialize in providing excellent and top class Drop Shipping services, Warehouse fulfillment, China sourcing, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our trusted experts will be available to speak with you and discuss your needs. We guarantee you get quality and excellent services that gives complete customer satisfaction. An amazing experience awaits you.

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Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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