
Common Video Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid

Having a well-thought-out video marketing strategy is key to the success of your dropshipping business. Here are some common mistakes to avoid.…, Continue Reading….

October 26, 2022

According to statistics, about 54% of customers prefer videos over other types of content. Also, videos on your landing page will increase your conversion by 86%. Thus, videos are the best form of marketing to keep customers engaged. But what makes a video or video marketing strategy successful? Most people would say good camera, good lighting, and so on. Well, that’s true.However, there’re some common mistakes that probably you’re not aware of that could deter the success of your video marketing. Of course, you need to be aware of them to stop your video marketing success from being hindered. Continue reading to discover 9 video marketing mistakes you should avoid.

Failing To Plan Your Video Marketing

It’s very tempting to just make a video, upload it on social media and expect the business to come rolling in. However, video marketing doesn’t work like that. You need to ask yourself if your video is purposeful?”, “Is it evolving my brand?”, “Is there a clear strategy?” and so on? If you can’t confidently answer yes, then there’s a problem. So, plan and plan well. If you plan with a clear business objective, your video marketing will be very effective.

Creating Videos That Are Too Long

People often put a lot of focus on the first 2% of your video. The initial section is key to grabbing your audience’s attention. But average engagement is much dependent on the overall length of the videos. 1-2 length videos have better engagement performance when compared to 2+ minute videos. If your videos pass the 5 minutes threshold, the engagement loss will be greater. Therefore, aim to keep your video between 1-2 minutes for optimal results. If you have a longer piece, ensure to let your audience know it will be worth their time.

Not Having A Call To Action

You’ve made a wonderful video and are getting loads of great feedback. The issue here is, nobody knows what to do next. Having a clear call to action is a no-brainer, even if it’s just pushing traffic to your website to find out more. You don’t have to overthink it, because, without it, you’re throwing away an opportunity to engage even more deeply with every viewer. Tell your audience clearly what to do next.

Flooding Your Videos With Too Much Info

If your video has too much information, it will overwhelm your audience, and they may just scroll off. So, don’t give too much information. Even, if you have a lot of information to share, create different videos to convey the information. Don't pack all information into a single video, which may dilute the message and confuse your viewers.

Not Implementing A Proper SEO Strategy for Video Marketing

You must put effort into directing people to watch the video you’ve made. Now, just putting it up online isn’t enough. Use proven Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques to drive traffic to your video or website to increase its visibility.


Everyone has a reason to either skip or watch a video. Most often, people want to be informed, educated, or entertained. If the video is too promotional, your audience will disengage from your brand. So what you should do is build relationships by focusing on your product's needs, and not forcing the customer to purchase your product. Thus, when viewers finish watching your video, they would be inclined to inquire more about your business.

Focusing On Product And Not Target Audience

As much as you want to tell people about your product, it would be good to focus on the value people get by using your product. Hence, show your product's advantages. To know how users will benefit from your product, find out what they want. What questions do they frequently ask? What problems do they want you to solve? Aim to draw attention to your product while attending to its solution.

Not Branding Your Videos

One benefit of video marketing is to increase brand awareness. This means you want people to remember your videos and your brand. Branding helps to raise awareness and improves customer loyalty. As you create your videos, tell people about your business. To make your brand stick in customers' minds, add a company logo, or tagline at the start or close of your videos. Use the same color schemes, and font in all your videos so that they convey the same message about your brand.


The statistics are there to prove it. Videos play a vital role in a brand's marketing campaign. Thus, using videos in content marketing is a mandatory add-on because of the massive advantages it offers. Your video marketing should improve customer satisfaction and increase retention. But for your video to achieve this, it starts by taking a roll call of the mistakes that have been discussed here. This way, you’ll create videos that connect, engage, and resonate with your target customers to bring the required leads and traffic to your website and increase sales.

Do You Need Professional Video Marketing Services? Call Us Today!

Do you need an expert for your video marketing? Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about our Video Marketing Services. We have a proven track record of delivering engaging and viral videos for all types of eCommerce video marketing campaigns. Our expert team can help you get the best out of your video marketing endeavors. We guarantee you quality and excellent services.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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