
8 Things You Must Do to Scale Your Ecommerce Business during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc across the various aspect of life. E-commerce businesses are facing their worst online recession for many years. Here are eight things to do…, Continue Reading…

September 19, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc across the various aspect of life. One of the areas its ravaging touch reached is online businesses. E-commerce businesses are facing their worst online recession for many years. Coronavirus has changed the way people buy things online, hence, the hard times that e-commerce businesses are facing.As the world is searching for a panacea to this menacing pandemic, you can still keep your e-commerce afloat. But there are certain techniques that you must apply before this happens. Below are eight things to do for you to scale your e-commerce business during the pandemic.

Show Customers Your Worth

This COVID-19 period as much as it causing negative impacts on businesses has provided an opportunity to market their brands through ads. Many e-commerce businesses that focus only on the short-term are backing out from online marketing. This implies there is less competition, which you should capitalize on. Due to fewer e-commerce brands using digital marketing campaigns the cost is affordable. This you can use to share and remind your customers and prospective customers the potentials that you have.

Improve the Search Engine Optimization of Your Business

Due to the lockdown measures implemented in various places, there have been more people online than before. Search traffic has skyrocketed and will continue to be that way as people hunker down. They are glued to their computers searching for entertainment and products to buy. This presents an opportunity for you to make your e-commerce store more visible to the public.Optimizing your online store for the search engines ensures that your store has good indexing on the search result pages of these search engines so that your business can be easily found. This is not the time for your business to go out of sight when the sun has come out.

Make Use of Your E-mail List

If you cannot afford paid advertising, you can still keep your business afloat using your e-mail list. Email marketing promises high returns at a low cost. Through email marketing, you can reach existing leads who have bought your product/services.There are various email marketing automation tools you can use. These tools are easy to use and take little time to master the basic functionalities and get started with the email marketing campaign. Ensure that you show empathy while reaching out to your valuable customers with special offers.

Utilize Data Analytics

In the effective running of today's businesses, both online and brick-and-mortar businesses, data analytics is highly essential. Data analytics offers e-commerce business information to discover new opportunities. It allows them to find a product that is in demand, analyze their website traffic, keywords, and optimize their businesses to the current trend.During this coronavirus period as many people are in their homes, customer behaviors have changed. Data analytics will help you figure the new customer behavioral patterns. Gathering of data can be done using data analytic tools such as Google Analytics.


With your e-commerce business positioned to suit the current conditions of the coronavirus period, it is most likely that you will experience an increase in sales. Fortuitously, online sales allow you to automate a bulk of your business operations. This cuts your costs and saves you lots of time.Set up an automation system to handle the order fulfillment, attend to customers' complaints and questions, and more. For customer service conversations, you can use chatbots. Chatbots are capable of handling complex conversations and helping you strengthen relationships with your customers. They are configured to provide fast solutions.

Integrate App Development

More people are using a smartphone today and this number is expected to reach 3.8 billion in 2021. As people are sitting out this pandemic from their homes they will shop, read, watch movies, and order food online.An app will enable them to accomplish these easily. Hire an app developer to capitalize on this potential and put your business on the right trajectory.

Make a Budget

Before you set out implementing techniques to scale your e-commerce business during the COVID-19 pandemic you have to have a budget. This gives you an idea of where to allocate money and scale your business effectively.

Improve Your E-commerce Site’s Landing Page

The landing page of your e-commerce plays a role in influencing the conversion rate. Optimize the landing page of your site to be easy on the eyes and allow for easy navigation. Doing this will enable you to experience improvement in conversion rates and the growth of your e-commerce business.There you have it! Above are some of the things to do in order to scale your ecommerce business during COVID-19. The current pandemic situation has made it necessary for businesses to employ strategic techniques to stay functioning. These tips discussed when adhered to will ensure that you stay in business as the coronavirus pandemic rages on. You should note that while implementing these, recovery may take time.Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about our services. We specialize in providing excellent Drop Shipping services, Third Party Logistics, Warehouse fulfillment, Video Marketing Service, China sourcing, Custom Animation Video Ads, Product Photography, and more. Our dedicated representatives will be available to speak with you and discuss your options. We guarantee you get quality and outstanding services that gives 100% client satisfaction.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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