
8 Content Marketing Ideas for Ecommerce & Dropshipping Businesses for May 2021

It's time to double down on your content marketing efforts once again. Here are some content marketing ideas for ecommerce & dropshipping businesses for May 2021.…, Continue Reading….

April 30, 2021

The month of May marks late spring and preparation towards summer. Anyone who knows a thing or two about ecommerce and dropshipping understands that it's time to double down on your content marketing efforts. With everyone busy soaking up the sun and having as much fun as possible, less time is spent on mobile devices, fewer online purchases are made, and so drop shipping businesses take a hit. The good news is that you could speed things up with the right content marketing ideas. Here are some of them:

Brand Storytelling

One of the latest trends in content marketing is brand storytelling, and you can apply it to your content marketing strategies in May 2021. Effective brand storytelling allows drop shipping businesses to connect with old and prospective customers.The result of effective storytelling is increased traffic generation and ultimately more online purchases. Here are some questions you should ask and answer when looking to create great stories:

  • Who are my customers?
  • What are their interests?
  • What do they do for leisure?
  • What are their values?
  • What are their pain points?
  • How do our products meet these pain points?
  • Why are we in this business?
  • What is the brand’s message?

Use Magazines

Never underestimate the power of well-written content in a premium editorial with stunning visuals. Once you have found a way to generate consistent subscription-based content, you are well on your way to creating a great relationship with your target audience despite the allure of the sun and beaches.Your online and print magazines can serve as tangible representations of your ecommerce and dropshipping business. It allows the readers to see what you have to offer in a colorful laid-back manner.

Get Your Customers To Contribute

Did you know that you could get your customers to post content on your ecommerce and dropshipping website? It is a growing trend known as User-generated content (UGC) and can be a great tool for content marketing in May 2012.This kind of content includes product reviews, visuals, and testimonials about your products from customers who have done business with you before. It lends some authenticity to your business and can help win you more customers in the future. You might have to offer incentives, though.

Write Great Product Guides

Here is another way to keep your content marketing on the up and up in May 2021. Product guides are meant to show the readers the best way to use the products from you. But they can also serve to enhance your content marketing.The best way to go about this is to focus on the details of the guide. Try to answer as many questions about your products as you can. Remember to include quality visuals that make it all look even better and easier to understand.

Engage Influencers

These are people who have mastered the art of maintaining a large number of online followers who they can easily “influence”.Your job in May 2021 is to find ways to incorporate this influence into your content marketing efforts. Imagine having an influencer with millions of online followers mention your ecommerce brand in their posts or even share your content!You'd be giving your brand a huge boost because something like that wins the trust of potential customers who follow these influencers.

E-Mail Content

Your e-mail content is a great way to boost your content marketing in May 2021. There are multiple ways of doing this. One way is to let your old and prospective customers know what you have in stock or an incoming stock. The trick is to be able to customize the e-mails based on their needs and interests.Another way is to make sure your customers get personalized e-mails like welcome e-mails, publicity events, seasonal or holiday-themed e-mails from you about information about your business.

Go Into Guest Blogging

It might not seem like the run-of-the-mill approach, but there is a lot to gain from creating engaging, effective content and posting it on other blogging platforms in your industry. Once you can generate useful, catchy content, you would be indirectly promoting your brand. What's more, you get to increase traffic on your ecommerce/drop shipping website, boost the SEO on your website and ultimately improve your sales.

Keep It Measurable

Try to set practical content marketing goals that are easily measured. Pay attention to engagement metrics like shares, likes, and comments. These metrics allow you to gauge the reception of your content. That way, you can make modifications where and when necessary.


The beginning of summer does not have to be slow. All you need to do is to ensure that your website or blog is as engaging as it is interactive. We hope you can achieve this using the ideas we described in the article. Once you can apply them correctly, you'd find that your conversion rates increase after driving traffic to your site using these ideas. In case you will like to know more about dropshipping or other services we offer, contact us today at Fulfillman. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you. We will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. An amazing experience awaits you.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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