Video Marketing

10 Video Marketing Tips That Will Skyrocket Your Traffic

Video marketing has skyrocketed to a level where it is widely accepted and preferable to any other form of marketing. The use of videos as a marketing technique is evident in the r…, Continue Reading…

December 22, 2019

Video marketing has skyrocketed to a level where it is widely accepted and preferable to any other form of marketing. The use of videos as a marketing technique is evident in the rise of YouTube being ranked the second largest search engine in the world currently, just after Google.Video marketing can do a lot for your business, and one of them is gaining a whole lot of traffic for your website. However, to do video marketing effectively, you’ll need some crucial tips. These tips will help in skyrocketing the traffic your site will garner.

Upload Your Video to YouTube

As mentioned earlier, YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world. It is well known from several reports that more than 1 billion users visit YouTube in a month, and over 6 billion hours of video are being watched during this duration.Now, imagine the number of traffic you can get with these figures. This shows the necessity and how important it is to have your content on YouTube.

Create A Great Thumbnail for Your YouTube Videos.

Thumbnails have been known to trigger that “click me” instinct in many viewers. A thumbnail is a tiny picture that acts as a visual title for your video; it is the picture that shows when a video is yet to be played.Your best chance at getting a potential viewer to click play on your video is by having a solid thumbnail. Therefore, make your thumbnail catchy to draw viewers in, and make sure it portrays the content of your video.

Your First Few Seconds Is Crucial

When making your marketing video, you need to make sure the first few seconds draw the attention of your viewers and make eager to see to the end. The fact is one-fifth of viewers are likely to click away from a video within 10 seconds of playing.Hence, the need to capture the attention of your viewers right from the start of the video. To get that crazy traffic, you need to value your first few seconds.

Focus on Telling Good Story

Image result for Tell a good story

You need to give the viewers a good reason to watch and not click away on your video. You can do this by telling an outstanding story in your video. Although, the endpoint is making sales, however, don’t make the mistake of focusing too much on sales. A marketing video solely made for sales will fail, rather sell value to the viewers, and see them come back for more.

Create A Clear Call-To-Action

Calls-to-action are those calls embedded in videos that tell viewers what to do. Without a clear CTA, viewers might find it confusing on the next action to take in line with your video content. If you want more traffic to your site, you must make it easier for the audience to find your site; and the way to make it easier is by embedding this call-to-action in your videos. You can use CTA to send people to a sales page, your channels, or other videos.

Mobile-Friendly Videos Rock

Well, most videos are watched using mobile devices. It is just logical to make sure your videos are mobile-friendly. A survey conducted by Facebook found that people are 1.5x more likely to watch videos on a smartphone than on a computer.Therefore, to skyrocket your traffic, consider using mobile responsive players like YouTube, Vimeo, as they will modify video quality according to the viewers’ bandwidth. In making your videos mobile-friendly, you also need to watch out for the text size because a text that appears big on a TV screen will need to look small on a smartphone screen.

Use Tags

If you’ve ever uploaded a video to YouTube before, you likely know what tags are. If you haven’t, well, it’s quite easy to know. Tags are the descriptive pieces, usually in text form, they are added to your video, so your viewers will understand what your video is all about. Tags can be categorized into four, namely specific tags, compound tags, generic tags, or misspellings.

Optimize Your Videos With SEO

Who doesn’t want better search engine optimization? It is essential to optimize your videos and make them search engine friendly. Getting them optimized gives a shot at getting maximum return from your video marketing, and of course, get huge traffic from it. Get the video optimized by adding the necessary details needed, like descriptions, tags, and relevant user intent keywords.

Write Catchy Titles/Headlines

The saying -When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your one dollar- comes to mind. Yes! Your titles or headlines are that important, and they need to be compelling. There are a whole lot of tricks in writing compelling headlines, such as making a promise on what your videos will solve and tickling the viewers’ emotions.

Share Your Videos

Well, it’s quite easy to understand that the more often your video is shared, the more visibility it will receive. This means to gain crazy traffic; your videos need to get shared with numerous people. You can share these videos across numerous blogs and other social media platforms. Also, a CTA telling viewers to share is a good idea.There you have it! Based on the audience’s demand for more video-based content, video marketing has been a thing to ensure you do right. With the continuing rise in the number of online viewers, you don’t want to miss the traffic you could garner. Luckily the above tips are what you need to skyrocket your traffic.Do you need an expert for your video marketing? Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about our Video Marketing Services. We have a proven track record of delivering engaging and viral videos for all types of eCommerce video marketing campaigns. Our expert team can help you get the best out of your video marketing endeavors. We guarantee you quality and excellent services.

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