Video Marketing

10 Tips for Creating Inspiring Animation Video Ads For Your Ecommerce Business

Do you want to create captivating animation video ads to boost the sales of your ecommerce business? Read on to discover some amazing tips for creating captivating video ads.…, Continue Reading….

May 25, 2021

Do you want to create captivating animation video ads to boost the sales of your ecommerce business? You are on the right path to achieving your goals! It is pretty challenging to create awareness of your product and services as customers can’t check the items physically. Thus, these brands must do something extra to promote their business and boost their sales. These videos provide detailed information about your product, thereby educating the viewer and enhancing their interest in the product. Read on to find out the guidelines on how to create captivating video ads for your ecommerce business.

Mind the Length

You have to understand that people are busy and wouldn’t probably have time to watch a long video. When they click on the video link, they can’t invest an hour in learning about a random item they found on the internet. The appropriate time length for a promotional video shouldn’t last more than 1 minute. Also, ensure that you captivate your audience with the video; in simple terms, make it short and sweet.

Target Potential Customers

Targeting potential customers imply managing who views the video advertisements and content. You have to consider the individuals who would view the video ads. For instance, direct response video advertisements can target your potential customers. Note that you don’t use the same technique to create ads on conventional television programming as applicable on social media. You have to understand that the mediums are different. Your business can target customers based on previous interactions, interests, parental status, age, and a host of others. For YouTube, ensure that you upload the email addresses of individuals who have subscribed to your newsletter.

Target the No-Sound Audience

Capturing the no-sound viewers is essential; so, ensure that your pace is fast and keep your message in the center of the screen. The inclusion of sound for highly engaging participants and subtitles for the no-sound audience ensure you can get across to everyone faster.

Keep Your Message Clear

Grabbing the customer’s attention doesn’t translate to passing across your information. The fact is that you will lose the customer without a crystal clear message. Instead, ensure that you hit the nail on the head and keep that message consistent for the entire duration of the video.

Think Mobile

Always think mobile. The reason is simple; when it comes to the videos’ elements such as logos, emojis, text overlays, etc. – these features are often overlooked. Ensure that these elements are incorporated into mobile devices. If not, your overall USP, CTAs, and message will be missed.

Avoid Hiring A Product Videography Expert

You don’t need to hire product videography professional. Although it is beneficial to have an expert involved, the use of a high-end phone camera will enable you to edit and record a video without any external support. Also, this will enable you to cut costs, mainly if you are a new entrepreneur getting started in the business.

Let the Visuals Speak

A fantastic voiceover can be an essential tool for a persuasive explainer video. However, in some instances, it is better to allow the visual elements to perform the communication. These videos shouldn’t have spoken text, using other audio and video elements to make the sale. For instance, most of the videos shown on social media platforms like Facebook don’t usually come with sound. Also, statistics have shown that most of the audience prefer the videos to come without any sound.

Show Some Personality

As applicable to another form of advertising, animation video ads need to be captivated and show reasons to be successful. Most potential customers might not be interested in purchasing your products when they click on the video; however, one that reveals the brand’s personality will likely be prioritized by your viewers.

Focus On the Difference

Animation video ads are appropriate for showing the best features of a product. But there is still much more to consider, and this is by demonstrating the product’s benefit to the larger audience. Thus, ensure that you focus on the difference of the product and ways it can impact their business and life. For instance, someone marketing a weight loss product has to focus on the benefits of this product and the weight they can shed within a particular period.

Go Back To Basics

Several things might seem basics. Nevertheless, this doesn’t imply that they don’t work. For instance, graphs, rockets, pets, retro items, etc., may be the basic techniques used by promoters, but the fact is that these techniques work! These techniques have been tested and tried several times and have proven effective; so, try it and ensure that you follow the procedures to promote your brand. Follow the tips provided in this post to create captivating animation videos to woo your potential customers.There you have it! Above are some tips for creating inspiring animation video ads for your ecommerce business. For more information about our custom animation video ads and other dropshipping services, contact us today at Fulfillman. We offer affordable, reliable, and detailed services. Our experts will be available to speak with you and discuss the options available to you. With us, you are guaranteed to get quality and excellent services. A fantastic experience awaits you!

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Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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