
10 Ecommerce Tips to Build Customer Confidence and Increase Conversion

Customer confidence can be enhanced when an ecommerce business builds trust with its customers. Read on to discover some ecommerce tips to build customer confidence and increase co…, Continue Reading…

May 19, 2021

Customer confidence can be enhanced when an ecommerce business builds trust with its customers. It entails providing answers to customer's questions, offering quality assurance, and helping customers select the product that is suitable for them. Gaining customer confidence also involves the promise of exchanges and returns for products not delivered in excellent condition. This can mitigate the concerns or resistance with making online purchases.To increase conversion or boost sales in your ecommerce business, building customer confidence is crucial. Combining efforts for easy returns, money-back guarantees, and providing valuable information required by a customer can boost customer confidence. Thus, resulting in higher sales. Read on to discover some ecommerce tips to build customer confidence and increase conversion.

Incorporate Customer Reviews into Your Website

The incorporation of customer reviews into your website can be a reliable trust signal for your business. Regardless of how you design your website, a first-time customer won't trust you based on that and consider it as packaging. Thus, ensure that you include customer reviews because it is a fantastic way of saying, "Don't bank on our word only; see the written statement of our customers."Furthermore, incorporating customer reviews enables new buyers to authenticate claims themselves and get the latest details about the items. The majority of ecommerce stores include customer reviews on the reviews page, homepages, product category pages, and product pages.

Make Your Exchange and Return Policy Easy To Find

You know that they can't physically inspect the products and fear that their online purchase won't fit their description. A fair return policy will mitigate some of these risks. However, you can't eliminate their concerns if the customers are not aware of your return policy. Ensure that your customers have easy access to the information, especially when they are in a hurry to make their decision.

Display Contact Information

Several customers have been frustrated a couple of times because they can't find the phone contact of a staff member to communicate with when they have any question. Missing contact details on a website can frustrate customers. In fact, some customers believe that this is a sign of fraud. Thus, ensure that the contact information is readily available. Asides from that, adding contact information shows that there are actual individuals behind the site; it also builds trust. At a minimum, display an email address or phone number on your site's header.

Add Trust Badges

Physical stores like restaurants attach trust badges to their stores to show that they meet the requirements set by the government. In a similar vein, trust badges, also referred to as trust marks or trust seals, show online shoppers that a website meets the requirements and has been evaluated or verified by a third party. Several ecommerce trust badge authenticates that a website does not send spam, stores data securely, doesn't contain malware, and is an accredited business.

Have an SSL Certificate

An ecommerce website with an SSL certificate is one that has passed through the global security standard, thereby enabling encryption between a server and a browser. Ensure that you install an SSL certificate on your website. Therefore, when customers input sensitive data, it is conveyed securely without the risk of being tarnished by an attacker. Also, the lock symbol must be visible on your browser to enhance the trust of the customers.

Design the Site Framework for the Customer

If customers run into complicated design frameworks while checking your site, they will question the authenticity of your business. Thus, ensure that you design the platform by considering the customer experience. With this, you can make your shoppers excited and keep them returning to purchase more products. Ensure that you don't make design mistakes that can limit conversion rates and complicate the user experience.

Provide Comprehensive Information in the Product Descriptions

Having fantastic product photography is essential, but this is not sufficient for your website. Product descriptions will enable the customer to know the detailed information about the product, thereby enhancing the customers' trust. You can divide the data into sections and incorporate shortcut links to each of them.

Include Social Media Links

The incorporation of links to your social media account is another fantastic way to boost your credibility. Visitors will have the chance to peruse your social accounts and see the number of followers, thereby implying that other individuals are interested in your business. Also, if you use your social channels regularly, they will notice how your audience engages with you and know that you are serious about your brand.

Include a Clear About Us Page

Writing a clear “about us page” enables your customers to know what you stand for and also the kind of person you are. Also, having detailed information on the page encourages them to stay on your platform for a more extended period rather than doing the research elsewhere. Ensure that you spend much time crafting the information on your About Us page. Include details about your company's values, history, and work. Also, you can add little details about your employees as well as their roles.

Keep Your Promises

Offering a product warranty or guarantee can assist customers to feel more at ease buying products from your website, knowing that your brand is genuine and will keep to your promises. No matter the promise you make to your customers (refund, exchange, etc.), ensure that you keep your promise. Customers will give a negative review if they aren't satisfied with your services.


There you have it! Above are some ecommerce tips to build customer confidence and increase conversion. Building customer confidence is an important step toward running a successful online business. Include customer reviews on your website, display contact information, provide detailed product descriptions, and include your social media links. With this, your customers can gain more trust in your business.In case you will like to know more about ecommerce, dropshipping, or other services we offer, contact us today at Fulfillman. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you. We will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. An amazing experience awaits you.

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