eCommerce Tips

10 Best Dropshipping Tips for Crazy Sales in 2020

Making crazy sales in dropshipping business might not be really easy. Of course, nothing good comes easy, coupled with the fact that there’s a wide belief that dropshipping busines…, Continue Reading…

January 24, 2020

Making crazy sales in dropshipping business might not be really easy. Of course, nothing good comes easy, coupled with the fact that there’s a wide belief that dropshipping business is now saturated and very competitive.However, with proper market research and tips, you can scale through, stand out from the competition and make those crazy sales in 2020! Let’s take a look at the best ten dropshipping tips for crazy sales in 2020:

Create Your Product Description

The good thing about product description is you can always edit the one by your distributor and create a new one that suits your product. Not editing these descriptions is one of the things that can affect your sales, and to make crazy sales, you need to avoid this and do the needful.When adding items to your shop, you should consider focusing on the presentation, which, of course, is the description. You can add items to your store in small batches of 20-30 tops so you will be able to review and edit the product description.

Test your Product

Testing whatever you’re planning to sell to your customers is a good way of knowing everything there’s to know about the products. You don’t want to sell what you do not know about, do you? There have been cases where customers get a different delivery from what was ordered, or the quality is not as described upon usage. When you order samples for testing, you’ll be able to take better photos of the product and answer any question posed by your customers.

Learn More, Practice More

Learning is a continuous process, and practice they say makes perfect. To make those crazy sales in 2020, then you need to learn more and practice more. Luckily, the internet is endowed with so much information, many of which you can even find free.Making crazy sales in 2020 won’t be an arduous mission if you sign up for countless dropshipping tips and classes. Also, you should watch YouTube videos, read blogs, take free dropshipping courses, and participate in forums.

Use the Right Supplier

In dropshipping, suppliers are the one to store the products and ship directly to your customers. Imagine all that could go wrong if you are dealing with a bad one. From late delivery – to inferior or defective products – to bad packaging. This supplier link in dropshipping is vital and should be taken seriously. Go for a reputable one and see your business thriving.

Use Multiple Suppliers

This tip is about having a backup plan. A supplier that sells a particular product today might be out of stock in the next few months, what happens if you get an order for this same product during their out of stock time?You might be losing on a good amount of money if you don’t have a backup plan in this kind of situation. In addition, having multiple suppliers will also give you an opportunity to a wider range of items to choose from.

Use Your Created Images

There are stock photos online seen by every dropship retailer. Don’t you think this is too common and you should be a bit different? When possible, use your images to set your website apart. By using the product images that you snap by yourself, you’re setting your brand apart and upping your game.

Automate Your Website

Automation remains one of the fastest ways to generate passive income in any business. In any line of business, automation ensures a smooth and seamless operation. You don’t even need to be on at your store 24/7 with the automation tools available in dropshipping. There are a lot of them out there; they can find the top-selling products for you, automate social media postings, targeting emails, and so much more.

Tune-up Customer Service

The role of customer service cannot be overemphasized! You can only make crazy continuous sales if your customers are happy with your service. With great customer service, a customer will most likely come back again very soon.There are several other competitors out there, and remarkable customer service is what sets you aside. When customers get their concerns treated, they feel important and valued. Which, in turn, means they will be coming back for more and even recommend you.

Consider Creating Custom and Unique Content

The tip is all about creating a custom and unique content for your customers. How can you do this? You can do live product reviews on your social media pages; you can also write about them for sharing. The most important thing is creating quality content that your customers will enjoy and even share with other people.


Yes! At the tail end of our tips is marketing! If your products or blogs aren’t known out there, how do you want to make sales? For crazy sales, you need traffic! And to get traffic, you need to market. Marketing is easy if you know how to.Luckily, there are automation tools that can also help with your marketing, and you can always spend time connecting with your customers on the various social media pages too. Some other marketing channels you can leverage are Facebook Ads, Instagram, Google Adwords, and Pinterest Ads.There you have it! Above are ten great tips that can give crazy sales in 2020. From having an excellent product description to finding the best suppliers around for your products to having effective customer service, making crazy sales shouldn’t be in anyway herculean anymore. Just apply these tips and move up the ladder of dropshipping.In case you will like to know more about our services, contact us today at Fulfillman. We specialize in providing excellent and top class Dropshipping Services, Warehouse Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Third Party Logistics, and so forth. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you. We will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. An amazing experience awaits you.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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